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Henleinstraße 7, 85570 Markt Schwaben, GERMANY
+49 8121 2239-40


CGS – Computer Gesteuerte Systeme GmbH
General Manager: Siegmund Krause

Henleinstraße 7
85570 Markt Schwaben

Tel.: +49 (0) 8121 / 2239-30
Fax: +49 (0) 8121 / 2239-40

VAT-ID: DE 210315543
Registration Court: HRB 133380 München

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All images and texts used on this website may only be used with the express, prior and written permission of CGS – Computer Gesteuerte Systeme GmbH. CGS – Computer Gesteuerte Systeme GmbH assumes no liability for possible deviations of the information. We reserve the right to make changes to specifications, prices and delivery dates..


With judgement of 12.5.1998 the regional court Hamburg decided that one has to if necessary also answer for contents of the linked sides by the mounting of a on the left of. According to the Hamburg Regional Court, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from the contents of the linked pages.

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